Monday, November 21, 2011

30 days of Thanksgiving.... day 21

Oh How I wish I had felt good all this month to have really put the time and effort into this I wanted to when I started.
Had my two week post op appointment, and the site is healing, and the muscles will take time as they were cut and nerves were moved, so what I thought was going to be done and over fast I find out today it will take about 6 weeks, and I need to rest a bit more, and sit less.  I got allot of walking into today and now am so very sore. I am thankful for good pain meds.
I am also thankful for a good friend who has been calling on Mondays and we have bee having awesome prayer time, needing it tonight , as I am a bit discouraged by the pain and finding out I need more time, healing. It gets lonely around here that is for sure.
Our oldest daughter is making thanksgiving dinner and I only need to make dinner buns, so that is fun. I am not used to that so I am excited , plus I don't have to do dishes, WOOHOO.. 

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