Thursday, February 9, 2012

4 days left

In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. ~Psalm 5:3

Today I am waiting, My daughter-in law, who lives with us and is pregnant got my flu, only it dehydrated her badly, as she is needing to hydrated for two so she is in the hospital and I have been praying lots for her. While writing this I got a call from my son who said her kidneys are doing better and she may get to be home tomorrow. Oh how I am praying God's healing touch on her. 

Spoke with the surgery nurse this morning and got that all settled, I am to be at the hospital at 9am. So glad as we live a bit away and I didn't want it to be 5 am. I will take an 11;00am surgery any day.
She was so kind and answered all my questions plus more. So I am doing this. I can't explain the amazing peace I have. Thank you Lord.

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