Saturday, February 4, 2012

9 or 10 but who's counting

Well surgery is the 14th so that is 10 days, but I have to be ready before then so I am thinking it is day 9 right?!?!?!?!!?
Have lists all made and plans to go spend some time with my parents before surgery.
Will do some shopping tomorrow and get things ordered the pharmacy  may not have.
So stepping forward. I have no desire to really pig out, I wanna keep eating right and less so when I am not
eating it is natural to me. My sister thinks I should party to the end and I think that isn't what I am to do so I will stay working on calorie counting so, when I am not able to eat I don't miss it as much. I think if I went on a chocolate binge and then had to re stop that would be bad, it is like an addiction, you just have to stay away.
So since I know my weakness I will listen to my body and to what the Lord has laid on my heart. WOW in a week.... Can't believe it is finally here.

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